Wild Ones Prairie Edge March Meeting – Habitat Restoration
Prairie Haven – Habitat Restoration on an Old Wisconsin Farm Marcie and Mike O’Connor bought an old farm in Wisconsin in 2000. Since then they’ve been working to restore it back to the prairies, savannas, and wetlands that were there before the land was settled. They’ve planted prairie in the old crop fields, cleared and expanded remnant prairies and savannas, and replanted and restored damaged wetland prairies and sedge meadows. Their goal is to create as diverse a native ecosystem as possible, and to encourage the return of native animals. Marcie keeps an extensive website about their efforts, and inventories and information about the plants and animals they find. www.prairiehaven.com Marcie became interested in plants when she was about 10 years old, and then earned a BA in Biology from Grinnell College. In the past she transformed most of their yards into various native habitats, but now she concentrates on habitat restoration at their farm. To listen to the presentation, click on the link below at 7 pm, Wednesday March 9th: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87681110962?pwd=aCtDcmZTZkZrNHVJKzFzSTJXZFZ3Zz09 |