Try Hockey for Free
Come join us for an opportunity to Try Hockey for Free with Eden Prairie Hockey on Saturday, February 24 from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. All kindergarten through 4th grade boys and girls are invited to come skate, score a cool jersey, have fun and learn more about joining the Eden Prairie Hockey Association!
The event will be held at the Eden Prairie Community Center, Rink 1.
Register today!
If you need to borrow equipment – please indicate that below when you sign up. Be sure to arrive at 10:45 am for equipment fitting. We will have all equipment including a stick to use.
If you have your own hockey gear – that’s great. Please arrive at 11:00 to check in at Rink 1, sign a waiver and get geared up. Parents are welcome and encouraged to get out on the ice. Skaters of all ages must wear a hockey or bike helmet.
More information will be made available ahead of the event! If you have additional questions, please contact Patty Walters, EPHA Growth Director at ephagrowthdirector@outlook.com.