St. Andrew Church Renew with Nadia Bolz-Weber
It has been a trying year for many church leaders. Join us May 2-3 to re-align our spirits and re-ignite the leadership of people of faith and church leaders alike.
St. Andrew Lutheran Church presents a two day event where we will hear a fresh presentation from New York Times Best-selling author, Nadia Bolz-Weber whose authenticity of faith and willingness to look at the raw and unvarnished challenges head on still helps us find a word of promise.
Author of Canoeing the Mountains, Dr. Tod Bolsinger will help us to align our leadership practices with our values, providing practical leadership tools for leadership within the church and throughout the world.
Through conversations with colleagues, dynamic worship with preaching from Rev. Jenny Sung, artistic response with nationally touring poet, Joe Davis, time to walk or practice yoga, and good food, we will leave renewed for the abundant life God is calling us into.
With this all-inclusive ticket purchase, you will receive: Two-day conference featuring original presentation by Nadia Bolz-Weber, leadership teaching from Tod Bolsinger, dynamic worship, and artistic response. Time to meet with others to find mutual support and encouragement as we renew our spirits and re-align our leadership together.
Breakfast and lunch provided each day with top-notch Church Anew hospitality.
If your schedule gets in the way, these will be available on-demand for one week following the live events.
Two full day event for $249 in person. $75 virtual. Contact pastormatthew@standrewlu.org