Olympic Hills 9/11 Lemonade Stand
We the kids of the Olympic Hills Neighborhood will be holding our 21st Annual Lemonade Stand.
Please join us us on Saturday, September 11th from 2-6:00 pm at 9497 Painters Ridge, Eden Prairie. Cookies will be $1 and lemonade will be $0.50. All will be wearing gloves and masks for safety. Bring your family and friends. To celebrate the 20th anniversary, an ornament will be gifted to the first 200 customers.
This year the donations will go to an all local, all volunteer, 501c3 non profit called the North Star Marine Veterans who earmarked the donations for the MN Veterans Home in Hastings and the JROTC Como Park HS program which are terrific programs in need of our support. To commemorate 20 years of community service by the kids of the olympic hills 9/11 lemonade stand we are planting a tree and a memorial bench at the Veterans Memorial located at the Purgatory Creek Pavillion in Eden Prairie.