Night to Unite Neighborhood Registration Opens
Each year on the first Tuesday night in August, the City of Eden Prairie hosts “Night to Unite,” a summer evening dedicated to celebrating and strengthening the commitment to a safe community.
For residents of Eden Prairie, this is an opportunity to put together a neighborhood celebration, turn on the front porch lights, gather with neighbors and friends, get to know one another, catch up on things, play some games with the kids, enjoy a few hot-off-the-grill favorites and build a sense of community.
Neighborhood representatives are asked to register their Night to Unite event, so representatives from the Eden Prairie Police and Fire Departments, as well as several City officials, can stop by to visit many of the local celebrations that evening.
In conjunction with the Night to Unite event, City officials also collect donations for Eden Prairie PROP. Food shelf items are typically low in the summer months and the City of Eden Prairie encourages residents to incorporate food drives with the neighborhood events – the neighborhood with the largest volume donation overall receives an ice cream social hosted by the Police and Fire Departments.
Night to Unite 2022 is Tuesday, Aug. 2. Register your neighborhood’s event here: