Mary Ann Key Book Club – A Community Discussion of “Solito: A Memoir (online)

The Mary Ann Key Book Club uses reading as a catalyst for conversation as we attempt to better understand past and current injustices – including systemic racism, other forms of discrimination, and bias that affects marginalized communities.

Join columnist Myron Medcalf and Latino/Latinx community leaders in an online conversation. Panelists will discuss “Solito: A Memoir” by Javier Zamora and how themes from the book are reflected in our community, writing as healing, and action steps for a more equitable future. Collaborator: Star Tribune. Sponsor: Friends of the Hennepin County Library.

Note: Although we invite you to read the book before this event, it is not required. Please note that speakers will discuss all aspects of the book.

This program hosted on Zoom. Register here:


May 18 2023


7:00 pm - 8:15 pm


Virtual Event


Friends of the Hennepin County Library
Friends of the Hennepin County Library