EPHS Ramp Up Day
We’ve created two “Ramp-up” days for you to come in, check things out, and take care of a few business items if you need.
When (2 options): Thursday, August 26 from 12:30- 5:00 pm and Monday, August 30 from 3:00 – 7:00 pm
Where: The entire school will be open. Please enter through the Activity Center or North Entrance.
What: Walk around to find your classes, locker, and common spaces.
Get your picture taken in the Activity Center (there will be another picture day during school on September 17).
Pick-up your laptop in the Media Center (Note: Most students grades 10-12 already have their laptop from last year. If you don’t, these would be great days to pick up yours. Grade 9 students can do this on Ramp-up Days or on their Connect 9 Orientation Day (September 8). New students can do this on Ramp-up Days or the first day of school.)
Pick-up your parking pass. If you purchased one in the spring, now is the time to pick it up.
Your student support team members (counselors, deans, social workers) are excited to see you! They will be available outside of Student Center East to answer questions.
Our school store, The Nest, will be open to pick-up new Eagle gear for the new year! Buy your Activities Pass.
Connect with our PTO on our family directory, donations for mini-grants for classrooms and staff appreciation, and sign-up to volunteer