Eden Prairie Optimist Club OK 5K
The Eden Prairie Optimist Club’s 10th OK (Optimist Kids) 5K walk/run is set for 9 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 10, at Purgatory Creek Park, 13001 Technology Drive, Eden Prairie. Proceeds go to the community programs of the Optimists, including a Valleyfair trip for local kids who volunteer for Eden Prairie Elementary School Patrols, Essay and Oratorical contests, Central Middle School Youth Appreciation Award and more. To learn more about the OK-5K event, visit www.facebook.com/epoptimists. Registration for the walk/run is open now here – https://runsignup.com/Race/MN/EdenPrairie/EdenPrairieOptimistClub5k. The Eden Prairie Optimist Club is a civic organization with an emphasis on programs that benefit and recognize the youth of Eden Prairie.