Dignitas Ministry of Pax Christi: Way of Light Service
The Pax Christi Dignitas Ministry welcomes All! The Stations of the Resurrection, also known by the Latin name Via Lucis, Way of Light, are a form of Christian devotion that encourages meditation on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and some of the Resurrection appearances of Jesus and other episodes recorded in the New Testament. Through the Via Lucis, the faithful recall the central event of the faith – the resurrection of Christ – and their discipleship in virtue of Baptism, the paschal sacrament by which they have passed from the darkness of sin to the bright radiance of the light of grace (cf. Col 1, 13; Eph 5, 8). The Pax Christi Dignitas Ministry is welcoming ALL to pray and meditate with us at this first of hopefully many Stations of the Resurrection.