I-494 Construction Open House
Learn about the I-494 road construction project during Oct. 12 open house
Commuter Services and its governing board, the I-494 Corridor Commission, welcome the public, commuters, employers, and elected officials to the I-494 Construction Open House on Thursday, Oct. 12, 4-6 p.m.
The event will be held at Commuter Services’ office, 7101 York Ave. S., in Edina.
MnDOT construction officials will be on hand to share plans, dates and details about the I-494 Edina, Richfield, Bloomington project, which started construction in June and continues through fall 2026. This project is the first of four that will be phased in between the MSP International Airport and Highway 169 over the next several years. It includes the addition of E-ZPass lanes, bridge improvements, a new pedestrian bridge, and construction of a new turbine interchange at I-35W and I-494.
Commuter Services will share resources to help commuters and motorists navigate the construction zone. Free information on carpooling, vanpooling, bus and light rail transit, bike commuting, and working from home will be available for all visitors.
Attendees will receive free transit passes, bike maps and food truck fare while food and supplies last. Edina Mayor Jim Hovland, Richfield Mayor Mary Supple and Hennepin County Commissioner Debbie Goettel will give short remarks at 5 p.m.
For more information, contact I-494 Corridor Commission/Commuter Services Executive Director Melissa Madison by email, melissa@494corridor.org, or by calling 952-405-9425.