Cohousing Communities Virtual Discussion
Affordable ownership-housing folks! Ann Zabaldo, co-developer of a grassroots built 43-unit intentional community in Washington, D.C., speaks to Minnesota audience, “Everyone living next to someone who cares about them.” Zabaldo consults on a national level, and serves on the board of Mid Atlantic Cohousing. A live Q&A will follow her talk. Zabaldo’s talk is free, but only 100 people can attend. Cohousing communities are designed for connection–individual homes plus shared spaces–and are co-designed and managed by the residents. There are 150 such communities in the US, with more being built. This is hosted by Twin Cities Cohousing Network, an all-volunteer nonprofit devoted to raising awareness about and supporting co-creation of cohousing in our area.
Info and free registration at bit.ly/ZabaldoOct22