Citywide Open House
The 2021 Citywide Open House is Saturday, Oct. 9 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the City Center (8080 Mitchell Road) and Fire Station #1 (14800 Scenic Heights Road).
City departments including Police, Fire, Public Works and Parks and Recreation, will show off their vehicles and programs at the Fire Station and in the surrounding parking lots.
Due to COVID-19 concerns, the City Center, Police Department and Fire Station #1 are closed for tours during the event. There will be several demos throughout the day, including the Police Department’s two K-9 teams at noon. Our SWAT team, negotiators, Crime Scene Tech Unit and new Tesla squad car will be there along with many other highlights from the Police Department and the City.
This event is free. Parking is available in the City Center parking lot off of Mitchell Road and street parking along Scenic Heights Road. We hope to see you there!