Arbor Day Walk and Green Fair
Celebrate Arbor Day with a walk at Round Lake Park, and check out a variety of green-themed exhibitors and activities.
Round Lake Tree Walk
Free Seedlings (while supplies last)
Round Lake Park Building Tours
Hands-on Art Activities
Kids Tree Climbing
Information on Native Flowers, Plants and Sustainability
Food Truck (10 a.m.–1 p.m.)
Hennepin County Master Gardeners
Lower Minnesota River Watershed District
Native Resource Preservation
Nine Mile Creek Watershed District
Rainbow Tree Care
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District
U of MN Bee Squad
West Metro Chapter of MN Master Naturalists
Wild Ones
Garden Tool Swap
Stop by the Sustainability Commission booth to donate garden tools you aren’t using anymore and find new ones for free!
Accepted Items: Shovels, rakes, hoses (no leaks), pitchforks, pots, planters, gloves, hand tools and watering cans
Not Accepted: Power tools (lawnmower, chainsaw, leaf blower, etc.), soil or dirt, chemicals, fertilizer, broken items, anything too large to carry, or other items deemed unacceptable by staff
You do not need to donate an item to participate. All items not taken at the end of the event will be posted on local freecycle sites.
Free Compost
Free bags of compost will be available on a first come, first-served basis.
Clothing Swap
Eden Prairie Student Sustainability Commissioners and the EPHS National Honor Society are hosting a free clothing swap adjacent to this event. Bring gently used and clean clothing for all genders and ages and take items that are new to you. No donation is necessary to shop the swap; take or bring as much as you want.
11 a.m.–2 p.m.
Eden Prairie High School East Commons