It’s finals week at the International School of Minnesota (ISM), which means hard work, but also special moments to celebrate, kick back, and relax.
For the past 15 years or so, finals week at the end of each term has featured fun activity breaks to reduce stress, and build community.
Sarah Bianucci, ISM’s student life coordinator, said these help support students’ mental health and create an enjoyable environment during what might typically be a stressful time for many.
“We understand that providing relief periods between final exams is an important factor that leads to higher academic success and student happiness,” she said.
This week, ISM students have had the opportunity to hang out with Carlson’s Llovable Llamas, play bingo, enjoy dance parties, take ice cream breaks and games, and go for nature walks on the school’s wooded campus. The school also partnered with Friends of ISM to offer treat bags for all students.
“We provide a variety of activities to give students time to recharge and realign for their next final,” Bianucci said. “Students really enjoy and appreciate the breaks.”

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