It’s almost time for the zombies, ghosts and superheroes to make their annual Halloween appearance trick-or-treating for candy in Eden Prairie neighborhoods.
But, before you let the kids out the door on Monday afternoon for some spooky fun, here are a few reminders to help keep them safe. (EP does not have set Halloween hours for trick-or-treating. Generally, though, kids are out from dusk to about 8 p.m.)
The Eden Prairie Police Department offered these Halloween safety tips in its Oct. 28 blog:

- When trick-or-treating outside, carry a flashlight or put reflective tape on costumes.
- Remind children to stay on sidewalks and cross at crosswalks. Twice as many kids are hit and killed by cars on Halloween than on any other day of the year.
- Check over candy wrappers when children return home and discard any candy with torn or damaged wrappers.
- Use battery-operated candles or glow sticks inside jack-o-lanterns instead of candles with flames.
The blog also noted that adult Halloween parties can lead to drinking and driving.
“Officers throughout the metro area will be patrolling for drunk drivers during the Halloween weekend,” the blog stated. “Check out this video from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety showing actual drunk drivers getting pulled over in Halloween costumes.”
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