Hatchbacks, pick-up trucks and SUV’s loaded with old furniture, construction materials, worn carpets, paneling, doors and dead weed wackers were attempting U turns on Staring Lake Parkway near the Oak Point School ball fields. It was 7:45 a.m., Saturday June 19, Eden Prairie’s Community Drop-Off Day.
A few minutes later, the caterpillar began crawling northeast to Anderson Lakes Parkway, east to Columbine Road and south to the Hennepin Tech College Parking lots. Its tail momentarily lengthened with newly arriving cars ready to dump stuff and have stuff trucked to a landfill for free. To begin with, it seemed like the City’s slow-moving, recycling events of the past. It was not. This day was reserved only for unwanted trash. The line of cars were quickly funneled into organized drop-off areas attended by cheery traffic marshals.
Thirteen blue Republic Services® trash-compactor trucks and a platoon of dumpsters waited for disposable stuff from mattresses to snow-blowers and wood paneling. A wheel loader with a large bucket lifted the heavier and bulkier junk into the dumpsters. Guys who could be competitive weight lifters were there to help. The smaller items were taken on by the good people of Eden Prairie themselves – by hand from car trunk to dumpster.

Eden Prairie Mayor Ron Case was spotted lifting what looked like a screen door frame and a closet door from his flatbed trailer into a designated dumpster. Case looked pleased with both the sunny, coolish weather and the efficiency of the massive event.
This year, the annual drop-off was limited to non-toxic trash and did not accept tires, electronics, light bulbs or yard waste. The City’s intent to reduce the long wait times of previous years succeeded. By 8:20 a.m., the line of incoming vehicles had shrunk and by 8:40 a.m. had disappeared.

APPLIANCES, TIRES & ELECTRONICS – A City of EP recycling event for appliances, worn tires, batteries, power equipment, electronics, and florescent light bulbs is scheduled for September 11, 2021. These items are also accepted year round Tuesday through Saturday at Hennepin County drop-off stations in Bloomington and Brooklyn Park.
COUNTY OPTIONS – Year-round, Tuesday though Saturday, , bring tires, batteries, florescent light bulbs, toxic substances, electronics, cardboard, motor oil and much more to Hennepin County’s drop-off stations in Bloomington or Brooklyn Park.
YARD WASTE – Sod, leaves, yard debris, cut or pulled buckthorn and brush (but no dirt) can be dropped off at the City’s yard waste disposal site, 9811 Flying Cloud Drive on Fridays, 2p.m.-7 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. No Charge. Click here for more info.
BICYCLES – The City of Eden Prairie recommends that used and unusable bicycles be donated to The Recovery Bike Shop in Northeast Minneapolis.
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