One MN Together activists have held protests in Eden Prairie and other cities in the southwest metro. EPLN reached out for comment on the guilty verdicts in Derek Chauvin’s trial:
“What a joyous and triumphant moment for my people. Finally, the Black community has seen justice served. While we may have won the fight, the battle for equality still goes on,” said Rachel Moe, founding member of One MN Together.
Intense Emotions Released by Verdict
Other One MN participants tried to place the verdict in a larger context. Vanessa Nordstrom, a nutritionist, was exiting 212 when she heard the verdict on the radio. ”The last hour and a half before the jury came back was an intense emotional buildup. I prepared for a verdict that would have had major implications either way. We have hung on a string for 330 days waiting to hear: how would the jury see, digest, and render judgement? The guilty verdicts brought so much intense relief. I cried and I honked in solidarity with the entire BIPOC community.”

“Guilty verdicts on all three counts are a big deal. The road ahead is unknown. It’s imperative right now to create a rolling tide of momentum to change our justice system. We face a ton of adversity, but after the last year of intense measures to make visible the impact of police brutality, a broken justice system, and the immense hate some have, justice has begun building towards making changes for a better society.”
“Since last June, 2020, One MN Together has held peaceful protests and gatherings to educate and bring about community cohesion. Last week, we held four events in Eden Prairie, Chanhassen and Chaska. We heard squealing tires and saw drivers flicking us off. We were called losers or terrorists. These are by no means barriers to our mission. We are allied with the BIPOC community to educate, create new perspectives and bring about changes of heart, through listening and exchanging views to create a better, stronger society, where we all have a chance to succeed.”
Other founding members comment
“I am beyond grateful that Derek Chauvin was found guilty, on all counts. It is a step in the right direction but we still have a long way to go. I hope other police officers will now think twice about if they will get away with murder or not. Can we begin to heal?” said Nicole Mudrak, founding member of One MN Together.
“It is about time and way long overdue. One down, but an entire system to go. Today we celebrate. Tomorrow we get back to work,” said Rachel Bjerstedt, founding member of One MN Together.
Editor’s note: Eden Prairie Local News (EPLN) writers Jim Bayer, Stuart Sudak, Ryan Williamson, Jeff Strate, and Mark Weber contributed to this article.
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